How to Choose the Right EJOT Solar Fastener for Your Application

When installing solar panel racking, EJOT has won the trust of small and large solar installers alike, due to their innovative designs and exceptional quality. If you’re considering using EJOT fasteners to install your PV array, there are many factors to consider. By answering the following questions, you can be sure to get the right EJOT solar fastener, in the right quantities, for your unique circumstances.

The first question to consider when choosing an EJOT solar fastener is whether the substructure is steel or wood. If the substructure is steel, the shape and thickness of the steel will be important to note. If the substructure is wood, you’ll need to determine the width and height of the purlins.

The next consideration will be the roof covering type where you plan to install your solar array. If you have a fiber cement roof profile, the profile height of the corrugate sheets should be noted. For a sandwich element or trapezoidal roof structure, you’ll need to note the depth of the ridges, as well as the manufacturer and part name or number (if available).

The last major piece of information needed to determine which solar fastener from EJOT that you’ll want to use is the length of the stud bolt required to mate with the substructure from the top of the roof covering. If this dimension varies, all lengths should be noted.

Other information that can prove helpful, but is not necessarily required, is the building size, roof slope, attic height, type of building and the location of the building, so as to determine the wind load zone and terrain category. Any information related to the PV module and rail system, such as weight, length and distance between rows may be useful in determining the correct EJOT solar fastener to select.

For a reference sheet showing all of these items and more, download the EJOT solar questionnaire. If you’d like assistance with selecting the correct EJOT solar fastener, contact Mudge Fasteners at (800) 634-0406 to speak to one of our Solar Fastener Experts.

Kyle Domer